Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Our Influence

Today I got a Facebook message from a Friend that said, "You had some lasting effect on me yesterday. I have Celine Dion on my brain today and literally the only line I know if from that one song  "Love me back to life" keeps replaying in my head over and over again. You should be proud."

First of all I am a HUGE Celine Dion fan. Yes, I went all the to Target to get my copy of the  deluxe edition. Secondly, I know this sounds so dumb. Like why does anyone care that I love Celine and my friends think of me when they think Celine. And you're right it doesn't matter. But the fact that I make that impression on people does matter. Something so small that I love so much leaves that impression on people. Another girl last week told me that she heard that Celine had died in a car accident and the first person she thought about was me. Here in my life my friends and anyone that is around me very much knows that I love Celine Dion. I know that it is a wonderful thing for my friends to think of when they hear about Celine. But that's just my point. Such small things are sometimes what people notice. They are the things people remember. We have to make sure we are leaving an impression on the world and the people around us that sheds a good light on us. I never really realized how much I talk about Celine's music but my friends do. I never really thought that they listen to much that I say but hearing that really made me realize what I say and do is picked up on by other people and I have a duty to make sure that I leave a positive influence on whoever hears what I say and do.

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