Friday, November 8, 2013

Take An Interest

So I am walking to class today and I run in to my professor, whose class I was on my way to. He calls me by name and asks me about my week. He then proceeds to ask about any big plans for the weekend. All the while he is acting interested in everything I say AND asking questions.
People can say all they want about my private Christian college, but I can guarantee you that most state schools professors don't bother to know the names of all the students in their classes. On average there are about 20 students in my classes so its more like a family in every classroom I step in to. It's crazy what just taking the time to ask about someone about their day and taking the time to listen to someone can do for their day.
Every single one of us can ask someone how their day is or whatever. It doesn't take much to show someone we care. There is this sweet girl that lives in my dorm and she is always smiling and hugging everyone she sees. Today I saw her and she seemed so sad. I finally  got to pay her back for all the times she makes me feel so much better. I got to ask her if she was feeling okay. She didn't want to talk to me about it but just offering my shoulder to her made me feel like a million bucks.
What we say and do to people matter. Your influence and attitude toward them matters. Good or bad it puts an imprint on them in the moment.
So, make your impression lasting and positive.

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