Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Quote By Margaret Thatcher

" Watch your thoughts....
For they become words.

Watch your words...
For they become actions.

Watch your actions...
For they become habits.

Watch your habits...
For they become your character.

And watch your character...
For it becomes your destiny.

What we think, we become."

-Margaret Thatcher

This quote means so much to me. Sometimes my thoughts do not revolve around the lifestyle I want to have for myself. I recently watched "The Iron Lady" I can honestly say that it was one of the most inspiring movies that I have watched in a long time. I have always been a streeper and I have always loved hearing about Margaret Thatcher. Watching Meryl become Margaret in this movie was beyond amazing. In my opinion, disagree if you must, I saw exactly why Meryl won best actress. I saw this wonderfully brilliant woman portrayed on the screen. Margaret Thatcher and her story makes me want to run the country. She makes me want to stand up and yell about what ever is on my mind and my heart. This quote, makes me really aware of what I think about. It's scary sometimes to think that what we think, we become. Even in the bible it tells us to be careful what we fill our hearts and mind with, and for good reason too. I want my life to be mirror to a good woman who loves the Lord and everyone she comes in contact with. I struggle with that. It is so hard for me to love everyone. I struggle with accepting people and being the christian that God wants me to be. I fail over and over and over again. It comforts me to know that God still loves me, but it's still hard.

What we say is so important. I have really been trying to watch what I say, with little success. I know that our words can make or break a persons day. It is so important to try and only lift up people with our words and not tear them down. I was in the dollar store today and I was looking at a magazine that was on the shelf. Every single news title on the cover was something negative about a celebrity. There was even a story about my favorite celebrity, Celine Dion. There is word on the street there is trouble between her and her husband. Regardless if this is true or not that is a good way to tear someone down.

Actions speak louder than words. Wow. How true is that statement? How we treat one another matters so much. All you have to do is smile at someone to make their day. Just show them that you even kind of care about them at all. This kindness is lost to our generation.  We no longer hold doors for women or our elders. Why is this? We are all just wandering around this world just wanting someone to care about us. I know in my time I have tore a lot of people down with the words I use. Sometimes I do it daily. I try to correct it and keep it from happening. But I fail miserably. All we can do is try and lift people higher.

Character. That word is how most people know and identify us. It is so important to make sure we do the right things be the best we can be so our character will stay polished and clean. How do we want people to know us? Watch what you do and say and people will know you for how you want to be known.

Your destiny is left up to you. How you choose to deal with things, what you think about, and even your attitude toward life in general can change your destiny. I know that I am destined for great things. These things are not great by the worlds standards in any means. I just want to be remembered as a person who did everything she could with what she had to work with. I am in college right studying to work in a classroom with middle school children. Call me crazy, because I am, but I want to make a difference for that age group of kids. I remember how crucial it was to have a good role model at that age. I realize that I believe with all of my heart that I am destined to work with those children and be that role model. Then maybe one day work in a library to inspire young minds to expand and become open to new ideas.

So your thoughts matter. Whether you choose to believe they do or not. What you think about, what you dwell on, and what you fill your mind with will make a difference in your life. You can Think happy thoughts or negative thoughts. You are the one who suffers the consequences. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

A boy and Celine Dion

I get a message the other day, "So I saw where you bought the new Celine Dion album earlier this week right?" I was thinking does this kid know me at all and I notice it was a boy from one of my classes last semester that I had never really talked to. So I said, "Yes! Of course I got it." And he was all like cool. I was listening to some Stevie Wonder and his duet "Overjoyed" came on with Celine. I thought it might be on one of his albums but its only on her new one. So I listened to the whole thing and I thought it was actually really good. Wow. Like what in the world? So, I'm not going to lie, I was freaking out just a little bit. This boy just admitted to liking Celine Dion to me. What was I to do? So, I played it off as cool as I could and told him to not be ashamed, that I love her and I say that it is okay. Of course, I guess it's not as acceptable for guys to like Celine. Whatever. She is the best.... Any  who.... It was a complete shock to hear from a boy who likes Celine. Even if it is just a little bit...

Sunday, November 10, 2013


God gained a beautiful and sweet angel today. There is a precious man that was just added to the Lord's church a few days ago. He is one of the best men I have ever known. He was always smiling. This precious man would without a doubt give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it no matter how bad he needed it.
He called me one of his girls and I could not have been more honored to be one of them. He always hugged my neck and made my day. He was one of the greatest and I hope to influence as many lives as he did.
Rest In Peace. Have fun with God.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Last week I did a devo. It was entitled "Anyway" from the song by Martina McBride. In our dorm every week we have devotional on our floor. I was super nervous the whole entire time. The encouraging words I received from all of my friends was so encouraging. I got a text right before time for devotion that was wishing me luck and it was one of the best messages I have ever received. Sometimes I think we don't realize just how much the things we say affect those around us. Just that simple text that said, "Good luck tonight! I know you're gonna rock it!" Made my whole night and made my lesson go extra smooth.
Even a simple Facebook message can mean the world to someone. The idea for my "Anyway" devotion came from a lady from 2007 church camp. All this time I kept notes from that talk. I finally put them to use. I found the lady that gave the devotional on Facebook. I sent her a message on Facebook and thanked her for her Christian example.
Just talking to her and thanking her made my day instantly better.
When we are kind to each other and encourage each other it does wonders to how we feel. Even if this lady would not have replied to my message, would have been enough for me. Just thanking her for her example was all that I needed because I was on cloud nine when I found her on Facebook. I was even beyond cloud 9 when she said she remembered giving the lesson and thanked me for the Christian example I was setting. It was beyond amazing for me to hear that from a lady that has had such an impact on my life. There are no words to describe how important it is to have good influences in our lives.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Take An Interest

So I am walking to class today and I run in to my professor, whose class I was on my way to. He calls me by name and asks me about my week. He then proceeds to ask about any big plans for the weekend. All the while he is acting interested in everything I say AND asking questions.
People can say all they want about my private Christian college, but I can guarantee you that most state schools professors don't bother to know the names of all the students in their classes. On average there are about 20 students in my classes so its more like a family in every classroom I step in to. It's crazy what just taking the time to ask about someone about their day and taking the time to listen to someone can do for their day.
Every single one of us can ask someone how their day is or whatever. It doesn't take much to show someone we care. There is this sweet girl that lives in my dorm and she is always smiling and hugging everyone she sees. Today I saw her and she seemed so sad. I finally  got to pay her back for all the times she makes me feel so much better. I got to ask her if she was feeling okay. She didn't want to talk to me about it but just offering my shoulder to her made me feel like a million bucks.
What we say and do to people matter. Your influence and attitude toward them matters. Good or bad it puts an imprint on them in the moment.
So, make your impression lasting and positive.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My Mood

I seriously have no idea why I have been in such a terrible mood today. I guess it could be the test I have tomorrow. And probably the lack of sleep. I feel so terrible cause I know that everything I have said today has probably come out as snappy and hateful. I know once I get some more sleep and hopefully a little bit less stress I will be a happier me. I honestly can't wait. I hate feeling this way. Feeling so irritated for no reason is just making me even more irritated. I am usually a pretty happy person, but today I have not been that way and it is really throwing me off…

I have faith though that tomorrow is another day and it will be a better and brighter day. I can't wait.

Our Influence

Today I got a Facebook message from a Friend that said, "You had some lasting effect on me yesterday. I have Celine Dion on my brain today and literally the only line I know if from that one song  "Love me back to life" keeps replaying in my head over and over again. You should be proud."

First of all I am a HUGE Celine Dion fan. Yes, I went all the to Target to get my copy of the  deluxe edition. Secondly, I know this sounds so dumb. Like why does anyone care that I love Celine and my friends think of me when they think Celine. And you're right it doesn't matter. But the fact that I make that impression on people does matter. Something so small that I love so much leaves that impression on people. Another girl last week told me that she heard that Celine had died in a car accident and the first person she thought about was me. Here in my life my friends and anyone that is around me very much knows that I love Celine Dion. I know that it is a wonderful thing for my friends to think of when they hear about Celine. But that's just my point. Such small things are sometimes what people notice. They are the things people remember. We have to make sure we are leaving an impression on the world and the people around us that sheds a good light on us. I never really realized how much I talk about Celine's music but my friends do. I never really thought that they listen to much that I say but hearing that really made me realize what I say and do is picked up on by other people and I have a duty to make sure that I leave a positive influence on whoever hears what I say and do.

My Unfinished Song

I have entitled this blog based on Celine Dion's song called "Unfinished Songs."
The reason I did this is because almost every song we hear tells a story.  What kind of songs are we singing? Are we that catchy pop song that everyone is singing along to? Or are we that trashy song that uses bad language in every other word?
Life comes with twists and turns and nothing is always going to turn out the way we want it to. So this is my unfinished song of life. There is so much of my song that I haven't sung yet. I want to make the best of what I have left.

I am going to use this blog to share what song I am singing for my life, and whose song I am listening to and being influenced by.

So think about your unfinished song, what do you want it to say about you once it is finished?