Saturday, December 6, 2014

"Mistakes. They are important. There is a lot I will teach you this semester, but some of the most important lessons you will learn and remember are going to come from the mistakes you make in this class." 
-Sra Moran

I'll be the first to admit that I was very weary of taking Spanish 2 this semester. I had heard a lot of.... not so good things about my professor. I was scared. All I wanted to do was make a good grade and do well in this class. I knew that I was capable of doing but I was so worried. 

The first few weeks of class scared me to death. I was so intimidated by my professor because I knew this was going to be a tough semester and she got down to business. The first chapter test we took I was so worried about because I was not grasping the concepts we were covering. I went and had a session with my professor that I had last semester because she was a familiar teacher to me and I knew she could help me figure things out because she had been so good at it before. (I really only asked her for help because I was too intimidated to ask my current professor.) Well the first test went great. I made a really good grade and I couldn't have been more excited. And don't worry I made sure to give sra. Thompson a big hug for it. 

The next chapter was also a little difficult for me to master and I think sra. Moran picked up on it. She would call me out when I had a confused look on my face. I will forever be grateful for that. I was a little embarrassed at first that she would notice the confusion all over my face, but when she slowed down and broke it down even more for me I was glad she noticed. And from then on I was not embarrassed to just say, "Umm repita por favor." 

There was one particular day that I was as lost as last years easter egg when I left class. So I went up to her very hesitantly and asked her if she had any office hours that she would be willing to spare so I could ask more questions to understand what we went over in class. Of course like I expected she did and she told me to come by when I had a chance. So I did. When I went by my knees were shaking. Why? Because like I had said before she intimidated me so much. But I went in and sat down and started asking questions and she reexplained to me the things that I was not getting. We chatted and she was a huge help to me that day. I realized after that that she wasn't as intimidating as I had originally thought. She began talking to me and my Spanish buddy after class and I thoroughly enjoyed our conversations. 

There was another time I went to a honors presentation and the speaker was talking about when is a good time to start teaching children Spanish. If I wrote a reflection I would get extra-credit for Spanish so of course I jumped all over that. When I got there no one else from my class or anyone I knew for that matter was there so I just sat in the back alone. In walks Mrs. Moran. She sits down next to me and we make a little small talk before the presentations start. And then we chat a little as we leave. I wrote my reflection paper and gave some thoughts to what all was said and I got a response my professor that really....touched my heart. I struggle with Spanish. I talked about in my reflection that if maybe I would have been introduced to Spanish at an earlier age, I would understand it better and know it better. I talked about how incompetent I feel learning Spanish. I respect and love the language I just have been able to learn it and pick up on it well. I mean I struggle with learning English, my own language. The response I received from Sra. Moran gave me a little bit of a boost in my self-confidence. I know that I am a bright young woman and that I am capable of doing just about anything I set my mind to, I still need that reassurance. I got just that and a little bit more from the email I received. Such a kind gesture that probably shouldn't have meant as much to me as it did. I am so thankful for kind hearts that I am surrounded by here at FHU.

I just took my last Spanish test before my final this last week and I needed a good grade on it to secure a decent A before I took my final exam. She graded our tests and gave us our final grade report. Well let's just say I walked into that final with a decent A! When I walked up to her office to get my test that would help me study for my exam I saw Sra. Thompson. I just love talking with her! She called me into her office and asked me what I was up to, and I almost burst with excitement to be able to tell her that I had a 95 walking into my final exam. I don't think I have ever been so excited about a grade in my whole life. And when I got done talking to Sra. Thompson I know I have never ran so fast in my whole life back to my dorm with excitement.  Even scared my mom because I was so excited to tell her that I had done well. 

Even though my final exam didn't turn out as I would have hoped, I still wound up with an A. A few tears were shed finals week. But you know, it happens. Failing a final exam and still having an A isn't an easy task but some how I pulled it off and I'm not complaining one bit. Sra. Thompson told me its not about the ingredients of the pie but the actual pie itself. And I couldn't agree more. Sra. Moran told me that my failing grade did not reflect on how smart I was and for the first time in my life I actually believe those words. 

This semester was a good one. My Spanish class was wonderful. Sure I had to really work for that A but it made it just that much sweeter in the end. I wouldn't trade anything for this past year of Spanish. And I especially would not trade anything for the 2 professors that I was so blessed to get to know this year. 

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