Wednesday, December 25, 2013

My Christmas

There are no words to adequately describe the Christmas I have had. First of all, I got everything I wanted for Christmas and so much more. The older I get the more I realize how non important gifts are. The most important thing is having time to spend with family and friends.

Every christmas eve, we always spend the day with my faternal grandparents. My grandpa's birthday is on christmas. He turned 70 years old this year. I know and I am very thankful for every christmas I get to spend with him. He is one of the best I know. Since he shares a birthday with our savior he is often forgotten on his birthday, which is something he has never minded. Last night we had him a surprise birthday at our big family gathering. I can say, in all of my 19 years I don't think I have ever seen him so excited. He was grinning from ear to ear with all the attention he got. And it made my heart very happy to see him in such a state.

My grandpa is a very quite man. He doesn't say much. I have NEVER heard him sing, hum a tune, or anything. It is always a tradition for us to sing Silent night holding hands around the room. I stood next to my grandpa and held his hand and for the first time ever, I heard him sing Silent Night. I heard him sing it, I saw him smile, and I felt him squeeze my hand. There is nothing more powerful than that. I didn't quite know how to handle myself. I guess for normal grandpas this may be normal. But for my poor grandpa who is suffering with dementia and effects of a long life in the service, there is nothing in this world that means more to me.

There are days when he is not himself. There are days when I see the old grandpa there. Sometimes it truly breaks every little piece of my heart. I love my grandpa and he has always been one of my favorite people I know. And nights that I hear him sing are few and far between. I love that man with all my heart and I am so glad that nights like that happen. Ill always have those memories to cling to for as long as I live.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Small Gestures And Apple Cider

I went to our dorm devotional tonight. We had a combined singing with all of the other boys and girls dorms on my campus. It was beautiful. I sat in-between 2 of my girl-friends. One of them had an incredible soprano voice an the other had a superb alto voice. All during singing it was so hard for me to sing because of the beauty of everyone who was sitting around me. I almost could not handle myself. There is nothing in this world more beautiful than having your bothers and sisters raise their voices in praises to God. It was wonderful.

Now to the best part of the story. I was looking around and just observing the looks on faces as I usually do when we sing and I spot a dorm mom from a boys dorm. There are tears running down her face. I don't do well when other people cry. It breaks my heart in to tiny little pieces. So of course I am tearing up. It just makes my heart glad to see someone so moved by singing song to God. After we were done singing, I couldn't help myself, I had to seek out this dorm mom and thank her for her encouragement to me. I was walking over to get some apple cider and I saw her and I touched her shoulder and turned to me I told her that I couldn't help but notice her tears and I thanked her for them. I thanked for having such a tender heart and that it was such an encouragement to see someone get so emotional over praises to God. She is new in town and she said she could remember singing them with some children back home and just couldn't help herself. I can't even imagine. I could not even respond to her. All I could do was put my arms around her neck and give her the warmest, softest hug I could manage.
The world has made us so hard. We are supposed to stay strong and not show any emotion. If you do you are a cry baby or you are a sissy. What is wrong with having a tender heart? To show that something is special to you? I had one teacher from high school that gave me a graduation card that told me not to loose my soft side. I have no problem crying during a movie. I have accepted a long time ago that there are worse things that some one can be called than a baby. There are worse things I could be called that a sissy or soft. I have learned to accept my soft heart and just give in.
Don't be afraid to have a soft heart and to have compassion and loving everyone. You might be surprised to what it will get you.