Wednesday, March 26, 2014

To be so young...

So a few Wednesday nights ago a little girl at the age of 6 came and gave a speech to our college girls class. This little girl had to be extremely nervous! I mean 6 years-old in front of college girls. Even when I was in high-school college girls intimidated me and made me nervous if I ever had to speak in front of them so I can't imagine how this little girl was feeling.

This precious little girl gave a very very sweet speech about how we should love everyone even though its hard to sometimes.  A very proud mother sat in the back and glowed with pride for this little girl. Fearless she gave a wonderful and very interesting speech to our class. I could not help but to smile at the youth that stood before us. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for children.

After our class was over, my friend and I ran into the mother of the little girl and I couldn't help myself when I said, "ma'am how old was your little girl?" she was 6. "Wow." thats the only words I could form for a moment. When I finally found words I said to the mother "Lily did such a fantastic job tonight in our class. I don't know any 6 year-old girls who would be able to speak in front of college girls." Her mother was so appreciative of this compliment that she asked us to say something to Lily after church. So after service was over me and my friend went over and found Lily and told her how awesome she was for giving us such an awesome lesson and I invited her to come back next week. I don't think she was feeling that brave haha.

The point of writing this is just to say it doesn't matter how old you are, you can make a difference. I learned more from that 6 year-old girl that I usually do from our regular bible class teacher. To see such a brave young girl talking about God makes my heart surge with joy. It makes my heart happy that girls at such young ages talk about God. I wish I was better at talking in front of people about God like Lily. There is so much for me to learn from a sweet 6 year-old girl.